- As the curtains are drawn on the electioneering campaigns which are in its fever-pitch anti-climax, the last prospecting party is outdoors today, the last day of public campaigning, before people stream to the polling booths three days away.
We are of course so far thankful for having had a blessed elections period devoid of any major incident. We call far, in the same light, polling and counting days similarly devoid of not much ado, but any qualms. By thus, we hope for a smooth, peaceful and satisfactory conclusion to the public power of appointments.
Given the worldwide respect we received on the past election processes we underwent, it should not escape our minds that we have to make sure that these moments should be re-lived. The major and chief stakeholders in this process are of course the people and nation of Somaliland.
The people have to exercise their constitutional, political and human rights by joining in the exercise; for the more numbers the better. Factually, we not only have to vote, but vote peacefully, for the people hold the majority stake holding in this exercise.
On the same note, the other share-holders as the state -read government, the NEC, political parties etc should follow cue. We of course expect nothing less than, or better still, other than total diligence, integrity, impartiality and of course orderly management from the prime movers and institution charged with the task, the NEC.
The administrator of the day, the security apparatus and public managers should follow cue and do the same. The parties rallying support and their supporters should abide by expected norm and be orderly. In other words, this is a trying moment in such times and exercises, that demands SLanders to weigh its interests above all other whims.
Given that we are knowledgeable of the enemies out there who wouldn’t let us see the light of the day, all concerned should know even better. Let the vigilance not be left to those expected alone, but we should all in togetherness and in an concerted effort, collectively guard against any forms of disruptions.
Let our motto be peace, solidarity and togetherness for the people and the nation of Somaliland.
Lastly, the media fraternity should know even better and look before they leap.
By: M. A. Egge
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