.....(Hal-ku-dhigyo Dhaxal-gal Noqday) = ..... President, C/raxmaan A. Cali: ''Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland dib ayay ula soo Noqotay Qaran-nimadeedii sidaa awgeed, waa dal xor ah oo gooni u taagan maanta (18/05/1991) laga bilaabo''...>>>>> President, Maxamad I.Cigaal:''Jiritaanka Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland'' Waa mid waafaqsan xeerasha u-degsan Caalamka! Sidaa darteed, waa Qaran xaq u leh in Aduunku aqoonsado''...>>>>> President, Daahir R. Kaahin: ''Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland waa dal diimuqraadi ah oo caalamka ka sugaya Ictiraafkiisa''...>>>>> President, Axmed M. Siilaanyo: ''Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland, Boqol sano haday ku qaadanayso helista Ictiraafkeedu way Sugaysaa! Mar dambena la midoobi mayso Somalia-Italia''.....[***** Ha Jirto J.Somaliland Oo Ha Joogto Waligeed *****].....

Friday, November 9, 2012

Somaliland:Indispensable Conditions for Restarting Talks With Somalia

 - The sixth point of the Communique of London Conference on Somalia held on February 23, 2012 raised the need for the international community to support any dialogue between Somaliland and Somalia. Following that recommendation of the conference, the first direct talks between the tw o countries opened at The Chevening House in the outskirts of London on June 20, 2012 issuing what was known as the Chevening House Declaration intended to pave the way for presidential meeting. Then, for the first time for over 21 years, the presidents of Somaliland, His Excellency Ahmed Mohammed Silanyo, and the president of Somalia, His Excellency Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ah med, met in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, on June 28, 2012 and agreed to continue the talks.

The Current Situation of Somalía

Somaliland declared itself independent nation of Somalia in 1991 to restore its independence achi eved on June 26, 1960 after Somalia committed genocidal acts against Somaliland people in the years from 1984-1988. Since 1991, Somalia was no man's land and became red meat for all the Five Somali peoples in the Horn of Africa. It is not governed by its own people but half of those running the country are government post- seekers and fugitives coming from Somaliland, Ethio pian Somali Region, Kenyan Somali Region and Djiboutians who wrapped themselves in Somaliwe in banner that does not exist. All the successive governments of Somalia were based on the fal se, elusive notion of "Greater Somalia" that has not been achieved yet and no one knows when and how it will come true

"Greater Somalia" has the same analogy with "Greater Arab World" to day. There are around 18 Arab Countries in the Middle East and North Africa and no one shares government, nationality, and borders with another one whilst the government of Somalia has constantly become victim of a bunch of fugitives and government post-seekers from all the other four Somalis thus hijacking their parliament and government. The major reason of why Somalia is unstable and failed state for 22 years perpetuating brutal civil wars in the country is because Non-Southerners in the gov ernment and in the parliament prefer to keep it restive and in political turmoil in order to keep collecting blood money from the instability. This war profiteering will continue in Somalia until the traditional and political leaders as wells intellectuals of Somalia come to their senses and expel Non-Southern elements from their parliament and government.

Somalia would be peaceful and stable country long ago if it were controlled and ruled by its own people. Besides oppressions, repressions, displacements, destructions, and atrocities committed against Somaliland people, all Somali-Shared-Government under the false umbrella of Somaliwein is another major reason of why Somaliland People do not want to share any union with Somalia. The regime of Siad Barre turned the union government of Somaliland and Somalia into governme nt shared by all Somalis in the Horn of Africa. Most of the military generals and government offici als were Somali Ethiopians and Somali Kenyans who widely and willingly participated in the atro cities against Somaliland people in 1980S. Somaliland people want to have their own government to control their own destiny.

Somaliland government was hasty to open talks with Somalia without defining the essential condi tions for the talks and taking Somalia to the task of making sure that the dialogue take place bet ween Somaliland and Somalia only and not between Somaliland and Somaliwein. As we all know, the unrectified doomed union of 1960 was between Somaliland and Somalia only. Djibouti, Ethiopi an Somali Region, and Kenyan Somali Region were never part of it. It is also important to know that the no-man's government of Somalia is easily manipulated by the Non-Southern ministers a nd parliamentary members who are adamantly oppose the independence and recognition of Som aliland as that is detrimental or harmful to their profiteering interest in Somalia. Somaliland gover nment must set conditions for any future talks to preempt any infiltration of Somaliwein elemen ts and war profiteering groups in Somalia that could put the talks at danger.

Three Indispensable Conditions For Restarting Talks With Somalia

 1. That the talks be held between Somaliland (Former North) and Somalia (Former South) only be cause they were the two countries that shared the ill-fated union. Elements from Djibouti, from Ethiopian Somali Region, and From Kenyan Somali Region must not be allowed to participate in the talks because they were not signatories of the union between Somalland and Somalia on July 1, 1960. Somaliland elements who fled to Somalia for personal greed and interest must not be all owed too to participate in the talks because the talks are not between Somaliland and Somalilan d. These disloyal elements have already betrayed their country and their people and are not shy to side with Somalia in the talks to undermine Somaliland independence. They are used by Somal ia to fight and weaken Somaliland statehood. The talks are not between Somaliland and Somali wein or between Somaliland and Somaliland. The talks are between Somaliland and Somalia only, and the members of the two sides for the talks must come from Somaliland and from Somalía only.

2. That ProSomalia elements that hail from Somaliland must be expelled from the government and parliament of Somalia as it is impossible to hold talks with a government that harbors the enemi es of Somaliland country and its people and, at the same time, undermining the talks to support Somalia to keep their posts in the government.

3. And that the talks must not be about future unity but about future bilateral relations betwee n the two countries and justice for the victims in the mass graves. The talks may be difficult and excruciating and may face stalemate at the end as Somalia wrongly believes that Somaliland is a province of Somalia and would like to throw it into the chaotic Somaliwein fold that it suffers from currently.

 Why Somaliland People Reject another Union With Somalía

 Somalia has still the mentality of 1960 that denied Somaliland people of having their share from the union government and that treated Somaliland as one of the provinces of Somalia such as Mudug and Bay instead of recognizing it as an independent state eager to make union with Soma lia to pioneer Greater Somalia that became abortive at the end. The ignorant, arrogant leaders of Somalia still believe that Somaliland is run by Mogadisho as the appointments given to Somalila nd betrayers points out. The leaders of Somalia have trust in these elements from Somaliland be lieving that they represent Somaliland and will bring It back to the fold of Somalia failing to und erstand that the question of Somaliland is not something that can be changed by individuals . It is a question of self determination of a nation that shoulders its destiny. Somalia understands well that these disloyal elements hailing from Somaliland can not set foot on Somaliland soil with out prosecution. Their appointments is just desperate attempt to make one believe that Somalila nd Republic is still a part of Somalia.

Since the birth of Somaliland Republic,the successive government of Somalia declared political war against Somaliland independence by assigning political positions to Somaliland betrayers in order to curtail its recognition. These elements who betrayed their homeland and their people do not belong to both countries, as some claim, but they belong to Somalia where they serve embar rassingly.

Somaliland and its people had suffered with great cruelty inthe hands of Somalia. History can not be erased. They will never forget the oppression, the suppression, the imprisonments, the tortu re, the massive displacements, the destruction of cities, and the genocidal acts committed merc ilessly against them. The Equipo Peruano Antropologia Forense” EPAF, Forensic Investigator Inter national Team, is currently in Somaliland to identify the over 60,000 bodies believed to be in mass graves. So far, 226 mass graves have been uncovered and the smallest mass grave is believed t o hold 12 bodies. The findings were: Hargeisa: 200 Mass Grave Sites, Berbera: 12 Mass Graves, Buroa: 8 Mass Graves, Sheikh: 1 Mass Grave, Erigavo: 2 Mass Graves, Gabiley: 2 Mass Graves, Ar absiyo: 1 Mass Grave. These innocent civilians were taken out of their homes late at night and summarily executed in the years 1984,1985, 1986, 1987, and 1988 because of the name of their clan.

Mass graves are war crimes against humanity and gross violations of human rights and have not hing to do with amnesty given for ordinary civil wars within a nation to stop revenge and restore peace and unity. War Crimes Cases belong to the International Court of Justice in Hague. Justice must be done for the victims in the mass graves at Hague. If SNM Forces did not fight valiantly e verywhere in Somaliland against the atrocious military of Siad Barre to rescue the rest of the people, the genocidal acts would be much greater and would have the scale of the genocide that took place in Rwanda in 1994. Somaliland people still hear the cries of their innocent civilians mas sacred at midnights, they still see their innocent bodies being dumped like animal carcasses into mass graves throughout Somaliland. Their voices are indelible in their hearts and in their souls.

Downplaying massacring Somaliland innocent civilians in the mass graves, the leaders of Somalia claim that killings took place in Somalia too while the bodies in the only known mass grave in Som alia belong to Somaliland people. Around 46 Somaliland civilians were taken out of their homes at Buulo Hubey, Mogadisho, by Siad Barre's Red Berets and summarily executed at Jaseera Beach at midnight on July 17. 1989. Targeting certain people for ethnic cleansing is different from unint ended killings and tribal persecutions in civil wars. Somaliland people were not responsible for the brutal killings in Somalia but Somalia was responsible for the genocidal acts against Somaliland pe ople. Denying the responsibility of massacring the victims in the mass graves is adding an insult to the injury. The massacred civilians will not go in vain and will be at the forefront and center of all talks between Somaliland and Somalia. Any prospects of reunification with Somalia becomes impossible with such magnitude of ethnic cleansing and that is why Somaliland adamantly rejects it. As Bosnia Herzegovina and Kosovo can not be forced to reunify with Yugoslavia that committ ed horrifying atrocities against them in the 1990s, Somaliland can not be forced to return to the killing fields of Somalia too.

What Somaliland Should Do If The Talks Break Down

If the talks between Somaliland and Somalia fail officially and become ill-fated because of the wrongful insistence of Somalia that Somaliland is part of Somalia and that it will not recognize it, then Somaliland will move forward proudly with its irreversible independence. Somaliland does not occupy land and people from Somalia but remains within its own colonial borders as any other African country. If Djibouti can not be forced to join union with Somalia because of being part of "Greater Somalia", then Somailand can not be forced either. The peoples of Somalia, Somali Western Region in Ethiopia, and Somali North Eastern in Kenya are particularly obsessed with the return of Somaliland to Mogadisho because they want to regain and control Somaliland and Somalia in order to rule and enrich themselves with their wealth as they did in the thirty (30) years of the ill-fated union. What do the peoples of Somali Western Region in Ethiopia and Somali North Eastern Region in Kenya are sharing with Somaliland and Somalia if their territories are still occupied, and with unknown future to justify their participation in so called "Somaliwein Government? NOTHING. Why don't they stay in their territories to take part in their autonomous rule in their lands instead of running to Mogadisho? Because they want to seize the power and control of other countries that do not belong to them under the false umbrella of "Somaliwein" for their own benefits.

Somaliland liberated itself from non-existent "Somaliwein" umbrella based on opportunism and se lfishness and is run by its own people but that false idea still controls Somalia where it is heavy burden on its people economically, socially, and politically. Ruling and looting Somaliland under imaginary umbrella of "Somaliwein" is over. The idea of "Greater Somalia" (Somaliwein) emerged in the middle of the Second World War [1939-1945] and the main objective was to liberate the five Somali Territories and bring them together under the same banner and government in the Horn of Africa. That idea of "Greater Somalia" could not succeed so far and there are no hopeful prospects to make that dream come true.

Somaliland has the most important recognition that it needs and that is the recognition of its ow n people. That self-recognition will bring, soon or later, the recognition of the international comm unity, In Shaa Allaah. Taiwan is not recognized country since 1971 and it is one of the most devel oped countries in Asia today. Somaliland people are peace loving nation and have no intenti ons at all to make aggression to its neighbors without being attacked first. If the talks break down officially and then Somalia becomes hostile to Somaliland and threatens it with war, then Somalil and people, a heroic, patriotic nation, is ready to repel any attack from Somalia to defend its independence. Somaliland did not come with request, it was born with bloodied sword, and will stay here with bloodied sword if needed. Long Live Somaliland.

 By Ibrahim Hassan Gagale
November 8, 2012.

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