Analysis: The visit of the Ministerial Delegation of the Republic of the Somaliland to Cairo which includes Dr. Mohammed Omer the Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Co-operation and Mr. Harsi Hassan the Minister of the Presidential Affairs, is considered as a diplomatic success to Hargeisa as it proficiently managed to deal-with the largest and most important state in the Arab World by the way that might enhance its role and mission. The outcomes of the visit are as seed that the Somaliland’s diplomacy has come to harvest it in an unprecedented wisdom, knowledge and patience.
Nowadays, our world is witnessing huge and dramatic positive and negative transformations. However, the good news is that there is an international desire from the part of the western countries mostly the European ones to put an end to the Somali profile, by way that would permit furthering peace, security and stability in the region. As per the incoming information and reports which mentioning that Washington is rowing beside European countries and the vision of the United States is in harmony with their thesis and without doubt that all the forgoing is good news for the Somaliland.
According to the latest, peace in the African Horn should pass from the gate of the Somaliland and with due support and recognition from it and with boosting and strengthening the international co-operation therewith.
Seemingly, there are a lot of choices not availed with Somalia to deal with, as there is an insinuation from London to Mogadishu mentioning that the time has come to finalize the states of instability, insecurity and slipping away in this country, and the same can be realized only by enhancing the security in Somalia and up-rooting the terrorist movements and the mutual recognition between the Somaliland and Somalia.
It is true that, both the Somaliland and Somalia are one community of the same traditions, customs and norms which constitute the most solid factors that the frontiers and borders which linked them (around 390 km) and most importantly that either sdie is in need of the other so that they can live in peace, tranquility and cozy brotherly relationships and this what is required from Somalia to think about when looking into the Somaliland.
Cairo was properly pursuing the issues revolving-around the Somali profile, therefore having proceeded with fixing the Egyptian role through the important visit to the Somaliland done by the high-profile official Mr. Ayman Magdy - the well-skillful diplomatic figure - and definitely Cairo is sending a message to Ethiopia that the Egyptian depth is commencing from the African Horn.
The realism is the basis of the initiative adopted currently by London where the focus upon the Somaliland as a state that cannot be put aside from the equation of the security especially after the success of Hargeisa in proving two important issues, the first one is that it is a free and fair democratic experience and the second one is the peace and security were the fruits of the declaration of the re-independence in 1991.
The world is witnessing subsequent economic crisis and the economical experts see that the wars shall not be a solution to the problems of this universe. Yet the stability of the states and the investments therein is what that the Somaliland is having such as the natural resources surmounting the other states of the African Horn.
The British government believes that the agreement over the final solution must be reached before next March, and Washington is beginning to positively think about it as well after the closing the financial outlet to the Movement of the Somali Shabab which remains receiving its own funding from the USA, despite the listing of this movement as a terrorist organization supporting the terrorism. But unfortunately the USA permitted the funding of the said movement, and “Saneeza Community Bank Corporation operating in Minnesota State has announced stopping the financial transfers\remittances to Somalia and the African Horn.
The most remarkable thing is that there are countries which considered as allies to Washington like Ethiopia and Kenya, as they saw that it is unacceptable by the USA to permit such finance. It should be recognized that Washington was aiming to approach the areas of influence and interest in the African Horn along with Britain earlier than responding to the closure of the Somali profile. Always the interests represent coverage to all the inamicable acts of the super-states.
However, it is important to us in the Somaliland to make use of these new international transformations.
The information appearing to us that, the African Horn profile will receive an acceptable solution in the region and indeed the said solution shall be, in all respects, on the account of the Somaliland, and we only have to professionally deal-with what is going on in the world, and I think that we in the Somaliland possesses these attributes which dedicate the state of security and internal peace.
By: Abdulrahman Mea’ad
(Writer & Activist).
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