- Mr, Robleh Maxamud Aideed (Lafcanbe) and Mr, Kulmiye Adam ‘Mardaadi’ of SYANA met with the Honourable Jim Karrygiannis – MP of Scarborough-Agincourt on Friday July 29th, 2011. The aim of the meeting was to introduce SYANA to Rt. Hon. Jim Karygiannias.
Many of the constituents whom Mr. Karygiannias represents in the parliament are of Somali decent, as such we believe it is important that the representatives of those constitutents are familiar with our work. Mr.Karygiannis is particularly a friend of Somaliland, was already familiar of Somaliland and its quest for international recognition. He acknowledged his support for the organization and felt that not only was it the right timing for Somaliland but it was much needed for North America.